Endorsement from Mr. Naveen Dhar

Why I Support Sunil Fotedar for KOA President

Friends & Family,

Recently Sunil Fotedar contacted me and said he was running as a candidate for the next KOA President.   I had to make decision and wanted to share some of my emotions and my key points as I decided whom to support. 

Generally as a rule I usually do not really get involved in politics or take positions for or against anybody. I am amongst that silent majority which supports KOA without being at the forefront. I have no personal agenda or issues against the current president. I wish him well but having said that I am writing this letter to strongly support Sunil Fotedar for president.

I still remember the time I first met Sunil. It was '97 I was new to US, had no car and was still adjusting. Out of the blue one day, Sunil called me on my office phone and said he was a Kashmiri and wanted to meet me. He lived 45 miles away and said he'll come to pick me up, go to his house for dinner and drop me back.. I couldn't fathom why somebody would drive more than 180 miles and invite me home, when other Kashmiri Pandits I knew and lived just as far refrained from doing so. Getting to know Sunil , I realized how much "Kashmiriyat" burns within him. Over the years I have seen him repeat the same with other KPs.

I can recall seeing first hand how much effort he put into creating the KOA sites.  The guy spent nights and went out of his way to get people to give him books, which he spent sleepless nights scanning in.  I remember him pestering people to help get him to put music on his site and spend weekends enclosed experimenting to get the initial audio files on line.  The first time KPs realized that they could listen to Kashmiri music online, the "aahi" Sunil received I am sure has no comparison.

Sunil has selflessly worked for KP cause spending a lot of personal time and money on the cause. There is no comparison to the effort that Sunil has put in and he stands way above anybody else (No offense to past or current office bearers). It's very easily to go for accolades and have your picture taken with KPs and Camp people. But how many have spent the time and shown constant devotion to Kashmiri cause over the last decade without any expectation. Truly people who want to do things find a way without needing any fame/praise. 

I fully support Sunil Fotedar to be the next KOA president. KOA with Sunil as its president will have a much better future and will benefit from Sunil's leaderships skills.

I request you to add a few lines and forward your relatives and friends and lets all get Sunil elected this time.

I stand by what I say, call me for questions. I normally do not take sides, this time around I feel strongly about Sunil as President of KOA and want to make my voice heard.

Thanks for your time

Naveen Dhar


630 428 9798

Pran Kaul,
Director -
KOA Sponsor A Child
Mr. Jag Bhushan Kaul,
Past KOA President
Vijay Dhar,
Past-Vice President and Ex-Director - Zone 9
Neeru Raina Sopori, CA
Ex-Director - Zone 10
Bansi Tikku,
Kamlesh Moza, TX
Ex-Director - Zone 5
Dr. Vijay Wali,
Seema Kachru,
Dr. Inder Kaul,
Naveen Dhar,
Dr. Ramesh Ganju,
Anil Wali,
Anil Kachru,
Kuldeep Thusu,
Sanjay Kaul,
Kuldeep Razdan,
San Diego
Mr. J. L. Manwati,
Kamlesh Tufchi,
Sunil Bali,
Other Community Well-Wishers